Bulan Nov nie jet rasa banyak filem melayu yg bagus2 kuar di panggung antaranya..

Sinopsis : Filem ini adalah jalinan lima cerita yang meraikan keajaiban cinta: mengenai Harris dengan isterinya Airin; hubungan Dyan dengan adiknya, Dhani; cinta Elyas seorang pesara guru dengan pemilik gerai, Rubiah; hubungan Azlan & Azura, dan hubungan Arianna & Taufiq - di mana semuanya saling berkait dan berlatar kota metropolitan Kuala Lumpur.

Sinopsis : Latiff, a famous but lonely photographer who was orphaned as a small child, sets out on an expedition to photograph abandoned houses around Malaysia. On his journey he is haunted by images and sounds that remind him of his traumatic childhood. At one particular house on the island of Penang he is transported back through time to witness the shocking events that took place in the house over 50 years ago. Through his experience, Latiff understands the tragic circumstances that led to him being orphaned and also finds an old friend.

Mega mendung di angkasa
Hembusan bayu dingin terasa
Gerimis berderai di merata
Bagai mutiara
Petikan "Hujan" darpada soundtrack filem Mukhsin
Tapi sinopsis bagi cerita ni jet tak jumpalah..then ader lagi satu cerita yg agak menarik dari sutradara Shuhaimi Baba "Waris Jari Hantu"..so ape kata ke panggung untuk menjeguk filem kita..wajah kita...adiossssssssssss
I just wanna say that I like the picture of the couple sitting on the bench with the background of rice field. Nothing more pleasant to me upon seeing a lush greenery of rice field or even the yellowish of it when it's close to harvesting season.
Every year when I go back to my hometown, I'd sure make a point to drive deep across the rice field, park the car and walk over to the middle of the rice field where I'd see miles and miles of rice field around me. I'd sit there watching the sun goes down. I'd bring over my kids, let them busy experimenting the nature of "sawah" themselves and my mind would be drifting away with all beutiful memories in my life - reminisce my childhood days.
byknyer citer nk kena tgk..... jgn lupa cicak man nani, CGI 1st yg terbaik utk malaysia walaupun tak sehenat hollywood :)
aku nak negok gakkk...uwaaaa
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